Swiss Webservices

Simple, direct and honest.


We focus on lightweight but modern webdesign. Depending on it's purpose, we can provide customized and simple solutions.


Do you need (remote) administration of a network or a system? We are happy to arrange a service contract.

Code on Demand

Do you have this one idea itching, but just don't know how to code it? We are happy to assist with lightweight scripts and small applications.

Webpage improvement

You already have a webpage but it's too slow, doesn't meet your requirements? We analyze it and suggest improvements. If necessary, we can even rewrite it.

Our Philosophy

The internet has become a confusing place. Everybody is after your data. Big coorporation's "free" services are built upon tracking, advertising and monopolism.

We hate that!

We strive for an indipendent and transparent use of the internet. This is reflected in the way we code!

Our webpages and services are handwritten, with the focus on self sustainability. This means that we do not use: